Atomic Souls

Atomic Souls WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX (Steam)

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Prices history Atomic Souls in Steam don't created.

About sale on Atomic Souls for WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX in official store Steam not created, this app checked 09.05.2023 and in this time price not changed.

Official description

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Atomic Souls is a tactical roguelite deckbuilder which has you playing as an awoken remnant of the old world. Journey through the new world, encounter bizarre creatures, assemble the perfect deck, discover powerful artifacts, and fulfill your destiny!FeaturesCollect Souls: Souls allows for the discovery of unique sets of cards and artifacts. Unlock souls by defeating foes and use them in your next run!Map Exploration: The map is procedurally generated with over 10 biomes featuring their own inhabitants and events. Each run is unique and designed to be highly replayable.Dynamic World: The world will react to you! Encounter events, take on quests, and make the best out of the obstacles you face!Equipment and Artifacts: 200+ collectable equipment/artifacts that overhaul your play style.Enemies: 200+ types of enemies, each with their own unique power and behavior!Events: 100+ events with various choices.Cards: 200+ unique cards.


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